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Seasons and Self: Discourses on Being ‘at home’ in Nature

Bayswater: Coventry Press, 2018

This second collection of Sermons, Address, and Presentations by Australian progressive, Rex A. E. Hunt, explores religious naturalism - sometimes called the ‘forgotten alternative’ - as well as contemporary biblical studies. While both science and progressive religion are to the fore in the topics and chapters, there is also a strong hint of the poetic - all evoking a sense of awe and wonder at nature and the natural. Also contains 11 original poems by Australian poet, John Cranmer.

When Progressives Gather Together:  Liturgy,  Lectionary, Landscape… And Other Explorations

Northcode: Morning Star Publishing, 2016

In this eagerly awaited collection of reflective chapters and liturgical resources, Rex A. E. Hunt offers broad insights into the shaping of progressive liturgy and worship. Drawing on more than forty years of ordained ministry, he peels back some of the traditions behind Liturgy, Holy Communion, Baptism, the Lord’s Prayer, and Preaching, and suggests when these are, and continue to be, reshaped and reconstructed by both progressive theology and critical biblical studies. Then he offers a wide collection of actual liturgies and liturgical resources. Progressive orthopraxy rather than traditional orthodoxy!

New Life. Rediscovering Faith. Stories from Prwogressive Christians


Why Weren’t We Told? A Handbook on Progressive Christianity


Wisdom & Imagination. Religious Progressives and the Search for Meaning


Against the Stream. Progressive Christianity between Pulpit and Pew


Cards, Carols, & Claus. Christmas in Popular Culture and Progressive Christianity


New Green Shoots and other Story Sermons


Many of these books are available from Amazon, Book Depository (UK), and other on-line sources. Also from the two Australian publishers: (i) Morning Star Publishing and (ii) Coventry Press, both in Australia. Both will supply direct to you.